2014.03.20. 11:26

We were formed in 2012 September with the support of the Hungarian Anti Poverty Network as a non-partisan informal civil community group made of volunteers who are workfare workers themselves. People unemployed for more than 3 months might be given this type of usually physical work, i.e. sweeping the streets. Employers most of the time are municipalities.

Our goal is to represent the interests of the workfare workers of Budapest (called public workers in Hungarian), under the name of „KÖZMUNKÁS MOZGALOM A JÖVŐÉRT” (WORKFARE MOVEMENT FOR THE FUTURE). By now our organization grew out of it’s initial boundaries, and now we have partners all over Hungary, in addition to the development of international contacts.

We collected all the problems regarding our constituency and sought to find solutions to them. After this, we built our strategy: identified the key decision-making persons and went about finding allies as well.


Than we proceeded to participate in numerous conferences and presentations, exchanged experiences with other similar groups worldwide.

On February 6th of 2012 we had our first demonstration in front of the Ministry of Interior (responsibile for the workfare program) and presented an open letter to the representatives of the Office of Public Relations. The next day we had our first interview made and broadcasted on a local radio.

We participated in the demonstrations in October 17, 2012 and 2013 on the Global Day of Fight Against Poverty, we made speeches, and protested against the problems of the Hungarian workfare system.

By the Spring of 2013 we started to organize workshops and trainings for our members in order to make them better activists.

We started an English Course, Computer Course, and by the 26th of August 2013, we had a German Course going as well, on which occasion we organized a media event.


Our Strategic Goals are to have:

  • a wage that is equal to the official national minimum wage (again);
  • suitable contracts without harsh punishment-like conditions, including regular time-off, vacations and holidays;
  • proper communication from the government about unemployed people that does not fuel public harassment and humiliation;
  • proper equipment and facilities for our work;
  • a systematic, pragmatic way out of the trap of public work, by providing practical trainings and workplaces;


Generally speaking: we want to be treated as any other worker, with all those rights and entitlements that the national law on work provides.

We meet regularly in work groups of different kinds.

In addition to the above, we regularly hold different public events, presentations, media events, informal hearings, cookings, meetings, and so forth.


Contact us:

Mobile: +36-20-364-3434




Edited by: Zoltán Kontsagh

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